Inspiration Boost - Valéry Goulet

For the second consecutive year, we are delighted to collaborate with Valéry Goulet for our new collection! An illustrator, designer, and university professor, Valéry has more than one trick up her sleeve and more than one tool in her kit! Our Quebecois artist, now based in Alberta, masters the art of interaction design and knows how to handle colors perfectly. It is with great joy that we invite you to discover her universe!
Hello Valéry, for those who don't know you yet, could you introduce yourself in a few words? Who are you, what do you do, and what is your background?
I am a graphic designer and illustrator from Quebec currently living in Alberta. After completing my master's degree in interaction design, I started my career in the digital field (websites, training tools, interactive installations, etc.). I worked for about twelve years in the graphic design industry (branding, UX, UI, advertising). About ten years ago, I began teaching design and illustration at the university level, which I love and still do today. However, I left my agency career to work as a freelancer. Since then, I have been working on a variety of projects, many of which are related to the field of illustration.

You use a lot of digital art and graphic design. How did you come to work in this way? What attracted you to this type of practice?
I would say that naturally, it comes from the field in which I studied.
Are there any artistic techniques or art forms that you haven't tried yet but would like to experiment with?
Oh, yes! I would love to experiment with sewing, fabric, and everything related to it.
What are the subjects you particularly like to address in your artwork?
In my illustrations, I enjoy depicting the mundane aspects of life, the things we often overlook. I like to make them more fun to look at. I also enjoy creating imaginary visuals of things I would like to see in a gallery. I adore geometric shapes, lines, and color combinations.

What do you enjoy most about your work and why?
First and foremost, I enjoy the autonomy. Working for oneself allows me to improve my methods without having to consult a boss :). And I love creating, which isn't always possible when holding management positions in an agency.
How do you nurture your creativity on a daily basis? What inspires you?
It's important to engage in activities outside of creative work. Sports, hobbies, and all other things stimulate my creativity in the workplace.
Do you have a habit of creating while listening to music? If so, what type of music do you enjoy listening to while working?
Yes and no. I would say that background noise is necessary, but I equally enjoy listening to podcasts as well as music. It depends on what I'm doing. Right now, I'm listening to the sound of wind blowing through the leaves. It's relaxing.

How do you organize your creative days? Do you have a particular or ideal routine?
I don't have a set routine, but when I'm creating, I make sure to set aside administrative tasks or meetings.
Tell us a bit about the beautiful beanies and scarves you created for us. What techniques did you use to create these different designs? Why did you choose these patterns? What inspired you?
Actually, the more I draw, the more my style evolves. This latest collection is simply the inspiration and exploration of the moment. I wanted to experiment with new colors and textures. I had been looking at several projects inspired by stained glass, so some of the chosen designs are inspired by that.

Name three artists who have had a real impact on your work and why?
This question is difficult for me. It's a bit like asking a child about their favorite animal... it can change often :).

Is there an artistic project that you dream of realizing?
There are thousands. Always thousands. But above all, I would love to illustrate postage stamps.

What is the best advice you have received as an artist or the most important thing you have learned that you wish you had known at the beginning of your career?
To keep putting in the effort regardless. A career doesn't necessarily always "go up," but rather changes. It's a bit like our lives.
Do you have any projects you would like to share with us?
I am currently working on creating illustrations for a children's book, which will be published in spring 2023!
New collection
For the new 2022 accessories collection, Valéry is not offering just 1 but 5 new designs for our sporty beanies and multifunctional tubes!
Pictures : Josée Lecompte
To know everything and not miss anything about Valéry's work,
Website :
Instagram : @valerydesignwrks
Discover Valéry Goulet's universe with her collection of beanies and multifunctional tubes by clicking here.
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